Organic Chicken Eggs


Pure Organic Desi Chicken Eggs from chickens which are grain and grass fed without the use of industrial feed, growth hormones, animal proteins etc.

  • 100% organic Chicken eggs
  • Rich in nutrition
  • Price is of 1 dozen eggs
  • Home Delivery available in Islamabad / Rawalpindi




The brown eggs we offer to sell are from pasture raised chickens, which are fed with 100% organic natural feed which does not contain any supplements, growth hormones or industrial chicken feed,

Organic Desi Chicken Egg Benefits :

Egg is a gift of nature and full of life, it supports chicks life within shell and once it hatches.

Best for Body Builders :

Historically Organic Desi Chicken eggs ( brown eggs ) are used by Body builders and Wrestlers to gain strength, grow muscles and increase stamina.


Brown Eggs To Get Rid of Flu :

Desi Brown Eggs are proven to be helpful in getting rid of flu, extra mucus, and to recover from Colds. Just boil the egg if you are eating it for colds or flu.



How to use Brown Eggs with milk ? Follow properly to avoid stink

  1. break an egg into an empty cup
  2. mash it well with a spoon
  3. now pour in some milk
  4. mix sugar if you like.

If you pour egg into the milk without mashing it first, it will not mix and will be stinkier. This is the best way to use it, however, some people can drink the egg directly into their mouth.


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